Garden Writers

We are always looking for amazing gardeners who can write and love all things plants!

Are you fascinated with plants? Perhaps you’re interested in sharing some advice and lessons on taking care of houseplants, or you may have something interesting to share with us and the world. We’re always looking for high-quality, fresh content to share!

Plants Spark Joy is currently searching for experienced garden writers that can put together informative and useful guides, as well as take quality photos. We are seeking:

  • Horticulturists
  • Gardners for the outdoors and for the home
  • Agricultural specialists
  • Homesteaders
  • And any who has academic or hands-on experience

How can you write for us?

Article Guidelines

  • Your articles should be original content and be clear and concise that will deliver a huge impact.
  • Articles should have a minimum of 800 words.
  • The article should be interesting and easy to read with subheadings that will break up your content, where necessary.
  • Images are encouraged for your articles.
  • We will not accept already published content.

Link Policy

  • We reserve the right to strip out any links outside of within the body of the article.
  • We will accept two links in your Author Bio.

Ready to submit an article?

  • You should have a gravatar account – – send us your email address so we can have access to your current profile picture for your Author Bio.
  • Submit your completed final draft with your author bio and email address to write at plantssparkjoy dot com.
  • Your Author Bio should be short and to the point, no more than 150 words.
  • Make sure your article has a unique working title. The title should be creative since its the first thing that catches our reader’s eyes.

Thank you for your interest in writing for Plants Spark Joy.

–  Plants Spark Joy Team

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