Stylish Ways To Decorate Your Home with Houseplants

tips and ideas for home decorating with plants

“Have nothing in your home that you don’t know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” —William Morris.

If you’ve ever owned a pot of plant and witnessed it thrive under your care, you know this to be true, one plant is never enough. It starts with one small plant, perhaps a housewarming present from a coworker or family member. And then one day, while you’re shopping in Costco, a growing philodendron catches your attention. Before you know it, you’ve successfully collected all varieties of the sansevieria!

Houseplants dramatically change the atmosphere and vibe of a home the way a deep facial brightens and lightens a tired face. Growing and caring for them does add value and beauty to your house. Not to mention their many health benefits.

When you start accumulating more plants, sometimes you just can’t stop! Then one day, you wake up, and you realize you are living in a wild jungle with all things topsy turvy and chaotic. We love our plants, and we enjoy their growth! But a disorganized plant display and house does not help your plant therapy.

How you display your houseplants have a big impact on the overall aesthetic of your home. Is it so stylish that when your friends walk in your home, they’ll feel that they’ve stepped into the cover of an interior design magazine? Or is it a walk through Tarzan’s jungle?

Home Styling And Plant Care Tips

Before you start moving your plants all around the rooms of your home, you need to consider some important things. Remember that plants are living things, and there plant care matters that you need to consider. You also need to think of your home and how you’ve styled it. These are some helpful tips to help you get started:

Remember Your Plant Has A Personality

While we can’t have them take the MBTI, we plant parents know that these green things respond to the way we care for them. Overwater them, they’ll turn yellow, underwater them, and they’ll wilt.

You need to do some research to know whether a plant can tolerate dark areas or dry rooms. Identify which of your plants can brave through morning sun rays by the window. Learn how big a plant can grow before you bolt them to a wall display.

A Room of Its Own

While not all plants can thrive in any room, not all rooms are fit for all kinds of plants. When styling your home with houseplants, you have to think whether it matches the room where it’s in.

Let me give you an example. Herbs like basils and mint are not just decorative but also functional in the kitchen. There’s no sense to put them in the bathroom.

A blooming Peace Lily would be a beautiful centerpiece for the dining table. But the plant is unfortunately toxic to humans, cats, and dogs. So it’s best placed in a location far from kids and pets.

One Kind or One of A Kind

Do you want to establish a theme in your home styling? Are you going for one kind of plant, or will you display a variety of plants? Will you use the same style or color of pots? It’s time for your personal taste to shine.

Depending on your home decor and level of plant-loving, you can start decorating your home with succulents or cactus. Orchids in the same pot would look perfect lined up on a shelf.

Play with Color Palettes and Art

When deciding which plants go where consider the color palette of the room. Match the plants based on the color scheme. Aim for consistency in your style. That includes the color and make of your pots and plant holders!

If you’re going for a tropical theme, a basket, woven or rattan would be the perfect plant holder. A metallic vessel would fit well in a luxe styled home. Orchids and fresh flowers are always perfect in glass vessels.

Don’t limit your home styling to plants and more plants. Decorate with art objects such as figurines, paintings, souvenirs, or photos. Styling is about storytelling, and you get to narrate with your decorative choices.

Stylish Ways to Display Your Houseplants

With all things considered, it’s time to beautify your home and display your plants. Here are the best areas in your house where your plants can grow and add beauty to your place.

The Entryway – Greet your guest by the entryway with a houseplant that reflects your overall style and feel. A single houseplant can already elevate your decor. Choose one that doesn’t clash or block the way. A simple fiddle leaf or a giant cactus – it’s up to you!

Plant Shelves – quite popular on Instagram, #PlantShelfie is a clean fun way to display your collection. Repurpose a bookshelf or vanity and house your succulent collection for everyone to enjoy.

Benches and Ladders – Take your plants to new heights! Not all plants look great hanging. But a beautiful ladder will fill up your room and bring attention to your green collection. Old, lived in benches give a rustic feel to your corner.

Corners and Floors – dress up an empty corner of your home with some natural enhancement. Think of medium to giant plants like a Kentia palm or Rubber Fig. A gorgeous Monstera Deliciosa or Fiddle leaf will be a perfect anchor to any corner of your room. Put them in large pots as these plants are capable of growing big and tall.

On the Wall – Plants are a work of art. Instantly improve a drab white wall with decorative vases. Hang air plants or securely place vines.

Unleash your creative side and let your home and plants reflect your personal style.

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