Sometimes we just need a good excuse to add more plants to our growing collection. Picking out a houseplant to add to our home is just as a fun activity as caring for them. Some add indoor plants because they found one at a discounted price at the grocery or farmer’s market. Some get plants gifted to them, thus opening a newfound hobby and passion. While others purposely scout and comb the whole country to find that rare and unheard-of variety.
We’ve all got our reasons why we want more plants in our home. You maybe like me, determined to have an extensive Begonia collection. Or you may have noticed how happier you are sheltering-in at home whilst being surrounded by greenery. You might want houseplants to improve the decor and design of certain corners in your house. Or you may be one of most people who have witnessed first-hand the many health benefits of plants – from improving air quality to boosting creativity and focus.

If you have any of the reasons above, you already know very well that picking out a houseplant isn’t an easy choice to make, there’s actually so much more to think about.
Plants are amazing and beautiful living beings. As each of them has different patterns and looks, they also possess an array of temperaments. Each kind needs a specific care routine.
It really helps if the plants we add to our roster also reflect our tendencies and preferences in our lifestyle. Before you start coming at us with your gardening sheers and pitchforks, yes, we know that Astrology is not an exact science.
But decorating your home with greenery is fun, and exploring the stars for what might connect with your personality is also (harmless) fun. So we’ve taken the Zodiac signs, focusing on common traits and personalities of the signs and matching them with the plants that can thrive most with your style.
So whether you are a skeptic of the stars or you’ve memorized all the signs affected by Mercury in retrograde, this list is one good excuse to bring a plant home.
Aries (March 21 to April 19)

This fire sign is known for its passion, motivation, and confidence. They are drawn to leadership and power, and they value their independence. This may not translate well in complicated and detailed plant care. The Aries often get frustrated by tedious details.
The ZZ plant, forgiving in nature, can thrive on neglect. It is beautiful and eye-catching, but it won’t demand much of your attention. Another bold plant is the Haworthia or zebra cactus. This succulent has white stripes, and it is tough! Plop it by the window, and you can forget about it.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Ruled by the planet Venus, this sign possesses traits of beauty, artistry, and a love for luxury. The easy-to-care-for heart leaf philodendron is a beautiful representation of your propensity for romance. But you are also famous for your stubbornness, and this is a helpful trait in caring and nurturing plants that need a little more maintenance. Focus your energy on a fickle fiddle leaf fig, and it will reward you with beautiful foliage.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

This is one of the liveliest of the signs. They are youthful and love fun. As a social butterfly, the Gemini is drawn to entertaining people. Instead of buying fresh flowers for your table arrangements, bring a flowering houseplant! Sunflowers, roses, or even peace lilies are all beautiful additions to your space.
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Known for their natural parenting instincts, the Cancer sign will be happier with plants that they can incorporate into their routine. Plants that will require daily misting such as orchids or other types of air plants. You can also get a Lucky bamboo plant. In feng shui, it is known to attract health, luck, and love. Keep this plant constantly moist and in indirect light.
Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Confident, stable, and loyal, this regal sign needs a plant that matches its royal status. A captivating plant that reflects the naturally magnetic charm of the Leo sign is in order. You need to own one of the most enchanting houseplants – the dramatic begonia. There are a dozen varieties that showcase your penchant for flair and unique colors. They are also forgiving plants and require only a little bit of attention.
Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

This is the perfectionist of the signs. Virgos are known to take on a practical and logical way of dealing with matters. If there is anyone who understands the importance of having attention to details, it’s you! With those traits in mind, you are best matched with plants that aren’t the easiest to care for.
Some plants need a careful study like the monstera adansonii or the prayer plant. These houseplants have a particular set of parameters to follow, and you thrive in the challenge!
You may also like: How to care for the beloved Monstera plants.
Libra (September 23 to October 22)

The sign of the scales, the Libra requires balance and harmony in their lives. For houseplants, it’s not just about aesthetics, but a sense of order and symmetry is required. You can add the string of pearls plant to your space to channel the look of the balanced scales of the Libra sign. The Peace Lily is also an appropriate houseplant for you because, as a sign, you avoid conflict and ensure to be at peace with others. (Related: Learn how to get a peace lily to bloom)
Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Intense, indestructible, and tough. We could be talking about plants like the cactus, snake plant, or pothos. We could also mean the Scorpio sign. These plants are better when they dry out a little and can withstand even the harshest periods of neglect.
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

No other zodiac sign is most prone to travel more than Sagittarius. Your love for adventure takes you to different places and new sights for periods. This lifestyle often limits the Sagittarius from owning anything that ties them down. But that doesn’t mean you can forget your plant parent dreams! Like the Scorpio, you can have hard-to-kill plants like the sansevieria or snake plant. They love dry soil and can handle almost all kinds of light conditions.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

This zodiac sign is the ultimate goal digger. The Capricon loves success and is unapologetically ambitious and hard-working. They appreciate the reward of a good hustle; thus, this sign can handle the challenge of a high-maintenance plant. Think of succulents like the jade plant that need focused care and time to grow. You have note-worthy patience that is capable of tending to the delicate bonsai tree.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

One of the traits that make an Aquarius sign unique is your sense of unpredictability. You love your independence and get easily bored by routine. Knowing that you need a plant that can withstand your sometimes flighty moments. Plants like the pothos and aloe vera are un-killable. And the aloe vera can also work as a moisturizer if you break the leaf. Rub the liquid on your skin.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Easygoing, likable, and chill, these are the best descriptions for the Pisces sign. You love to nap, and if you can, you’d rather dodge responsibilities. That’s why you need a houseplant that matches your easygoing attitude towards life.
The Chinese evergreen has tons of varieties, and they are all beautiful decorations for your home. More than that, this plant can purify the air and does not require too much attention.