14 Easy Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden (Tips Included)

assortment of easy vegetables to grow

Are you a beginner in gardening and would like to start this hobby by growing vegetables? Then I’m sure you will be pleased to know that you have several options when looking for the easiest vegetables to grow.

This article will serve as your ultimate source of information on the specific plants that are easy to grow in your vegetable garden and how you can enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Beginner Tips When Planning to Grow Vegetables

Before we introduce some amazing vegetables to grow in your garden, here are a few initial tips that will surely help you get started.

Find the right spot

Make sure that you dedicate a sunny and sheltered spot where you can grow vegetables. This is the perfect spot for growing most vegetables, though, there are also a few exceptions like when you are growing salad leaves and herbs that may only bolt when exposed to full sun.

They are the ones you should put in partial shade. Your chosen spot should also use well-prepared soil. You can prepare it by getting rid of the weeds and integrating manure or well-rotted compost into it.

Grow only those that fit the dedicated space

This means you should decide on what veggies to grow based on the available space in your garden. In case your vegetable garden is not that large, then you may want to grow salad crops in pots, growing bags, or window boxes. Avoid growing vegetables too close to each other.

If necessary, prick them out, too. One more thing you should do is to adhere to the spacing suggestions indicated on the seed packet.

Use physical barriers as deterrents for slugs and snails

Slugs and snails may negatively hamper the growth of your vegetables, so make sure to deter them using copper tape or any other physical barrier. If you are planning to grow plants that are prone to them, like salad leaves, then plant them indoors first.

Transfer them to your outdoor garden only once they are big enough to handle the attacks of snails and slugs.

Water thoroughly

Another crucial tip when it comes to growing vegetables is to give the plants sufficient water. Water them thoroughly. If necessary, stake them, too, so you can prevent them from flopping over.

tray of fresh vegetables

14 Easiest Vegetables to Grow in your Garden

Now that you have some ideas on how you can start building your own vegetable garden, it is time to get to know more about the specific plants you can grow in there. Some of the most popular choices for the easiest vegetables to grow are the following:

Summer Squash

Summer squash is a great addition to your garden because you can easily grow it. This vegetable comes in various shapes and sizes and is known for requiring a lot of space as well as well-composed soil. Most of its species, including pumpkin and zucchini, definitely require tons of space for proper growth.

Growing tips

With their need for huge space, you may want to spread out these vegetables as much as you can. It would be best to plant the vegetables around 3 to 6 feet apart. Your summer squash also needs to receive plenty of sun while cultivating it in warm soil.

The soil also needs to be full of nutrients and well-drained. The best time to plant this squash is during the mid to the late summer. This is the time when there is warm enough soil, which is also good if your goal is to make them ready to harvest during the fall.

When it comes to water requirements, it is advisable to water the plants at the garden soil level, instead of the leaves. This is to prevent powdery mildew from developing.

Cherry Tomatoes

Among the most commonly grown vegetables in North America are cherry tomatoes. These tomatoes are quick to grow. It is even possible for cherry tomatoes to begin giving you produce after about a couple of months from transplanting them.

Growing tips

To plant cherry tomatoes, begin with healthy seedlings that you can get from any garden center. Plant these seedlings in large pots or containers or garden beds. The best time to do the planting would be after the threat or risk brought on by the spring frost already passed.

If you plan to grow cherry tomatoes in your garden, pick productive varieties that are also recognized for their ability to mature early. Among these varieties of tomatoes are the sun gold, the jasper, and the sunrise bumblebee.

All the mentioned varieties require strong and rigid support or stake inserted during the planting period. You should then tie the cherry tomatoes to the stake using twine once they grow. When growing the tomatoes in pots or containers, it would be best to do compact growing.


You can also grow lettuce in your garden. The good thing about choosing to grow lettuce is that you can choose to directly sow it in your garden bed or begin indoor planting that you can transplant later on.

gardner pulling lettuce from garden

Growing tips

One advantage of lettuce is that you can grow it all year, though, you have to be extra careful during the hot weather. Once the extremely hot season comes, do not forget to provide sufficient shade for them. It is also wise to harvest lettuce in smaller sizes can also help.

Another reason to love lettuce is that it has several shapes for its leaves. You will also love the multiple shades of red and green that this plant displays. With these variations, you will surely not feel tired to grow many lettuce varieties.

You can cut leaf lettuces as soon as they grow. You will also love the fact that even one lettuce plant can already provide multiple harvest. All it takes is for you to snip off what you need from the plant.

If you are not interested in making the lettuce develop full heads, then thinning them can help. Give around 8 to 10 inches of space in between each plant.


It is also easy to grow cucumbers in your garden. Just make sure that you do the necessary preparations when planning to grow this vegetable. One preparation tip is to amend the soil by applying a fertilizer rich in potassium and nitrogen as this can support its large yields.

Growing tips

Planting cucumbers in the sun while being close to a fence is a wise idea when growing cucumbers. The reason is that the fence acts as the shelter for your cucumbers while giving them the support necessary for climbing.

Another tip in planting cucumbers is to cultivate them close to corn. It is because the corn is capable of trapping the heat that a lot of cucumbers crave for. The corn also acts as the windbreak for most cucumbers.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are also among the veggies that are easy to grow. Many are fond of growing bell peppers because doing so provides them with easy access to these flavorful veggies.

Growing tips

It is highly recommended to start these plants indoors for four to six weeks before you transplant them outdoors. You may also start to grow bell peppers using their seedlings that you can purchase from the local nursery.

One more thing you should remember when it comes to growing bell peppers is that they are fond of heat. Avoid planting bell peppers until the passing of the frost. Look for a space for your bell peppers that exposes them to direct sunlight.

It should be a place where they can get sufficient sun the entire day. Planting them in well-drained soil, around 4 to 6 inches apart, is also necessary. Ensure to put compost and water them regularly.


Carrots are also among the easiest vegetables to grow provided you plant them in sandy and loose soil. The planting period should also be the cooler parts of the growing of carrots, specifically spring and fall. The reason is that carrots are capable of tolerating frost.

Growing tips

Most carrot varieties can resist pests and diseases. However, take note that carrots may be incapable of growing very large. This is especially true if the soil where you cultivated them is rocky.

They still prefer well-drained and deep soil. Planting them in a raised bed also produces great results. Most carrots can tolerate light shade, but similar to other plants, remember that they like to be under full sun.


Just like the summer squash, zucchini is also an incredible addition to any garden that mostly cultivates the easiest vegetables to grow. Making it a part of your plant collection will surely give you regular treats of this healthy veggie.

Growing tips

It would be ideal to plant zucchini as early as possible to ensure that you will be able to harvest this crop before the powdery mildew occurs during the fall.

Ensure that this plant is well-watered, too. It is also similar to summer squash in the sense that it requires a lot of space and well-composted soil. You should plant them around 3 to 6 feet apart plus you have to provide them with plenty of sun.

It is also advisable to just plant a few of the zucchini. The reason is that they are so productive that even just one to two of these plants can already give you a bountiful harvest.


Kale is also a nutritious plant that belongs to the easiest to grow vegetables considering its hardy nature. It is so hardy that you can expect it to grow in various temperatures. You can also harvest kale in several stages.

Growing tips

One advantage of kale is that even its flowers and buds are edible. It would be best to set the kale plant any time during the early spring to summer. That way, you can expect it to grow up to the time when it becomes too hot.

Plant kale again during the fall. This is especially beneficial if you are in the southern part of the US. You will also love the fact that kale only becomes sweeter after it is hit by a few frosts. This just shows how great it is in withstanding even the harsh weather. Find out more information about growing Kale.


Of course, any list of the easiest vegetables to grow will never be complete without including radishes in it. It is easy and quick to grow. As a matter of fact, you can harvest radishes within just 24 days after you plant them.

radishes in garden

Growing tips

You can interplant radishes together with vegetables recognized for having a slow growth. It is possible to plant the radishes as soon as you notice that the soil is already workable during the spring.

The best way to do so is by sowing every seed at least two inches apart. You may also thin them based on the mentioned spacing after they sprout. Use around a one-half inch of soil or compost to cover the seeds to promote the healthy growth of radishes.


Spinach is also another vegetable crop you can easily grow. Growing one is actually kind of similar to when you grow loose-leaf lettuce. For one, you need well-drained soil that contains compost for this plant.

Growing tips

It is also advisable to plant the spinach under a light shade or full sun. Another important tip is direct sowing this plant. When planting the seeds directly, it is advisable for you to thin and go through the planting area several weeks later.

Ensure to eliminate all clusters. One more impressive fact about spinach is that you can plant it all-year-round. It is also okay to plant it in almost all climates because of its ability to deal with the cold weather. It can resist low temperatures, as low as 15 degrees F even.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard may look quite similar to lettuce, but it has more connection to the beets. The Swiss chard is even very easy to grow, making it even more similar to the beets. The chard is a cool-season vegetable, which means it can withstand various weather, including the cold and the warm.

Growing tips

It would be best to grow the Swiss chard during the fall, though, if you are in Southern and warmer states, such as Florida and California. You should then harvest the crops during the spring. Collect the crops upon reaching at least 6-inch tall.

It should not grow longer than 12 inches, though, to ensure that you get to retain their great flavors. Swiss chard is also a great vegetable to grow in your garden as it can flourish even if you do not use fertilizer. You can also grow it in indoor containers and need just the right amount of water to maintain the moisture in the soil.


Beets are also easy to grow. They come in the form of quirky seed capsules containing around 2 to 3 seedlings. With that, it is necessary for you to thin the seedlings all the time.

Growing tips

When sowing the seed capsules, make sure that there is around one-inch depth and space of around 4 inches in between each one. Harvest beetroots any time that they are already similar to the size of the ball used in tennis.

The good thing about beets is that you can use some of their leaves while you are still on the stage of waiting for the plants to plump up. You can use them similar to spinach and can provide you with a couple of harvest per plant.

Green Beans

Apart from the vegetables mentioned, you should not also forget that beans are among the most productive vegetables you will ever get the chance to grow and cultivate. Green beans are now even considered as staples in a lot of vegetable gardens as they are easy to grow vegetables. You can grow them even with limited space.

Types of Green Beans

When planning to grow the green bean plant, note that you have two options – the bush beans and the pole beans. The bush beans promote compact growth, allowing them to reach around 2-feet tall. They do not also need additional support from any form of structure similar to the trellis.

The pole beans, on the other hand, tend to grow as climbing vines. They can grow up to 10 to 15 feet. They are so tall that you are required to use staking or trellis.

Growing tips

The best time to plant green beans is after the last frost date of the spring. What you should do is to sow their seeds outdoors. Avoid planting too early as moist and cold soil may only cause the delay of germination and the rotting of seeds.

As much as possible, avoid planting the seeds of the green bean indoors. The reason is that they still have fragile roots that may be incapable of surviving the transplanting process.


It is also easy to grow peas if you live in areas with cool weather. You can plant them as soon as you notice that you can already work on the ground during the spring. You may also want to have its other varieties, like the early frosty, planted during the late summer if you want to enjoy a fall crop.

Growing tips

If you want to grow fall peas, have them planted around 8 weeks prior to the coming of the first hard frost. Avoid sowing them in succession. It would be best to grow a variety that is either early-producing or late-producing simultaneously so you can extend the season.

This plant also loves cold or cool soil. Note, though, that it can’t tolerate moist and cold soil. In that case, you need to apply bone meal to give the ground enough potassium and phosphorus.

Mulching the ground surrounding the plant is also necessary for keeping it cooler. Another crucial tip is to plant the peas in rows six to eight inches apart. Most of them also need trellising.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs?

Which vegetables are the easiest to grow?

There are plenty of vegetables that are guaranteed to be easy to grow. In most cases, though, root vegetables are recognized for being among the easiest to cultivate.

These are those that often come with a round shape or a long taproot. Some examples are radishes, beetroots, and carrots.

You can also easily grow vegetables from seeds. These include beans, snow peas, sweet corn, and legumes.

What should I plant in my garden for beginners?

As a beginner, you actually have several options when it comes to the vegetables you can quickly and easily grow in your garden. Among them are the ones that we have discussed in this article. In addition, you can also easily grow peas, potatoes, broccoli, and cabbage.

What are the easiest vegetables to grow in the Philippines?

The Philippines boasts of its tropical climate, making it one of the ideal places to grow and cultivate vegetables. Some of the easiest vegetables to grow in the Philippines due to its abundant sunlight are tomatoes, string beans, squash, peppers, eggplant, okra, peas, and lima beans.


There is definitely a long list of vegetable crops that you can easily grow. The only thing you should do is to study your options and pick those vegetables that you can really grow without difficulties in your present location. Make sure to provide them with their unique needs and requirements, too, so you will be assured of their healthy growth and eventually, a successful harvest

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